Wednesday, June 17, 2009

You Gotta Love It!

We're half-way through the work week - how did this happen so fast? (Of course, some of you are wondering how it took so long to get here!) In any event, it's Wednesday morning - Day 3 of Take Shape for Life/Medifast 5&1 for me!

Yesterday was crazy from start to finish. Between meetings and phone calls and e-mails, I was literally going until almost 1 AM. Around 12:30 AM I realized that I still needed one more Medifast meal for the day, so I munched on a S'more Crunch bar while I finished the last of the work I needed to do before going to bed. I love several things about this story.

First of all, I wasn't hungry and was surprised to realize that I was short a meal. I LOVE not being hungry while on 5&1! It is the only weight loss plan I've ever gone on where I literally forget to eat because I'm not hungry - I love it!

Secondly, I love the fact that I can enjoy a meal just before going to bed and it's OK to eat! The rule about not eating before going to bed doesn't apply when we're on 5&1, and skipping a meal just isn't part of the program. If we need to eat our 5th Medifast meal just before brushing our teeth and heading for bed, we can do that!

I loved knowing that I could eat something as delicious as a S'more Crunch bar (my favorite) and not feel guilty about it, because it's actually GOOD for me :-).

I love the fact that when I'm eating right, I have enough energy to still be going strong at 1 AM (and I also love the fact that I am self-employed as a Take Shape for Life health coach and can sleep until 9 AM if I want!).

Lastly, what I love the most was the fact that my busy day of meetings, phone calls and e-mails all revolved around encouraging others who are on their own weight loss journey. This program has changed my life in every conceivable way and it's such a joy to see it transforming the lives of others, too. As much as we all want to see the transformation happen overnight, the reality is that it happens one on-plan day at a time.

Eating 5 Medifast meals, one lean & green, drinking lots of water - it's so simple, and it's so effective. You gotta love it!

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