Sunday, October 25, 2009

Stop - Challenge - Choose

After 11 days on the road, I'm flying home today. It's been a fun and busy time, with a good mix of work and relaxation, and I learned a lot at the two conferences I attended. One of the things I learned is a great 3-step strategy to use when faced with a temptation: Stop, Challenge, Choose.

Often when people go off plan, it's an impulsive decision. They intend to stay on plan, but almost before they realize it, their hand is bringing off-plan food to their mouth. It can be in response to stress or a variety of other triggers, including social situations, and almost always the off-plan eating is followed by regret, frustration, and a feeling of failure. This 3-step strategy can be helpful in changing how we respond to those triggers.

The first step is to Stop. When we find ourselves reaching for off-plan food, take a minute and just Stop. Take a breath and clear your head.

Secondly, Challenge. Challenge what you're feeling - ask yourself why you're reaching for something off-plan. Are you really hungry, or are you reaching for food because you're stressed, tired, etc.? It's important to identify the "why." This is also the time to ask yourself what it is that you REALLY want.

Lastly, Choose. If you've taken a moment to Stop and Challenge, you will now be able to make an informed choice. You may choose to go ahead and eat off-plan (I hope not, but you may), but at least it won't be a mindless choice. If you take a moment to Stop, Challenge and Choose, it's more likely that you'll decide to stay on plan.

Have a great, on-plan Sunday, and choose wisely :-)

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