Sunday, November 15, 2009

Choosing Our Attitude

Happy Sunday!  I can hardly believe we're half-way through November already.  We have been enjoying unseasonably warm weather in West Michigan, and today we're expecting temperatures in the mid 50's again.  Since this time of year often finds us with snow on the ground, this weather is a real treat!  I took advantage of the weather yesterday and drove to Kalamazoo, about an hour from my home, to meet a friend for lunch.  She is a remarkable friend and it was a remarkable lunch.

My friend lives in the Detroit area but is currently in Kalamazoo attending a program for the blind.  She isn't blind - yet - but is slowly losing her eyesight.  The program she is attending is teaching her how to use a cane, learn braille, and live a full and independent life. 

My lunch with her made me realize all over again how important our attitude is in tackling the stuff of life.  I don't know how I would react if I discovered at this time in my life that I would lose my sight, but I hope I would respond with half the grace and courage that she has.  I'm not saying that she doesn't have her moments, but I can tell you that I've never heard her complain.  Our conversation was marked by her enthusiasm and excitement over the things she was learning, as well as her determination to learn as much as she could.  I never heard one word of self-pity.

We can't choose the challenges we'll have to face, but we can always choose our attitude.  We can view problems as, well, problems, or we can view them as opportunities to grow and learn.  I know that's often easier said than done, but I've seen people respond in remarkable ways when faced with difficult circumstances, and my friend is definitely one of those remarkable people.

Today may or may not be a day when we feel like making healthy choices, and we can not only choose whether or not to make the right choice, but we can also choose whether or not we do it grudgingly or with joy.  There IS reason to be joyful, because each day that we choose to stay on plan is one day closer to our goal, and it's one more day of establishing healthy habits that will stay with us for the rest of our life.

Today you get to choose whether or not to stay on plan, and you also get to choose your attitude.  Choose wisely :-)

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