Tuesday, May 11, 2010

What If You Couldn't Fail?

I heard someone recently ask the question, "What would you attempt to do if you knew that you couldn't fail?" I thought that was an intriguing question for a couple of reasons. It prompted me to do a little dreaming of my own, which is a good thing to do on a regular basis :-). Secondly, it made me wonder about the times when I've reigned in my dreaming because I restricted my dreams to those things that I "knew" were possible.

When we're children, we dream big dreams and everything seems possible to us. It's a time when children allow their dreams to expand and fill their day with wonder. Then we grow up and as we have one dream and then another not work out the way we'd hoped, we find ourselves as adults who not only stop dreaming, but who often stop trying to do anything that we fear we'll fail at.

I've run into a couple of people lately who desperately needed to lose weight but refused to even try because they were sure of two things: 1) they "knew" they couldn't lose weight and 2) they "knew" that even if they COULD lose weight, they'd only gain it all back. Because they expected nothing other than abject failure, they made the decision to not even try. They are pretty unhappy about where they are, but they reasoned that it's better to be unhappy where they are than risk dealing with the misery of yet another failure. It makes me sad to see people who have, at least for now, given up, because I know there IS hope. I know that it IS possible to lose weight, even a LOT of weight, and then KEEP it off. What I wanted to ask them was, "but what if you wouldn't fail - would you be willing to try again if you could be assured of success?"

Our success or lack thereof on this program isn't dependent upon the program working or not working, because the program works. Whether or not it works for US depends on whether we're willing to work the program. Your chance of reaching your goal is 100% if you make the fundamental choice to just do it. You'll not only reach it quickly, you'll reach it safely. I know you can do this! The question is, do YOU believe you can succeed?

Success comes one day and one choice at a time. Choose wisely :-)

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