Friday, February 12, 2010

The Small but Critical Difference - All Versus Some

Happy Friday!  Inspiration for my daily blogs comes from a variety of places, and today it came from a friend's Facebook page :-).  Instead of giving an update about her own status, she posted an inspirational quote, which I thought was perfect for today.

Here's the quote: 

Successful people do ALL the time what unsuccessful people do SOME of the time!

I like this quote because it speaks to the fact that success often isn't so much in what we do or don't do, but whether we stick with it over time.  Consistency really makes the difference between success and falling short of our goal.

That's a good reminder as we head into another weekend, as weekends are when good intentions often evaporate in the face of social situations.  I know individuals who do great staying on plan all week and then go off-plan on weekends, and that pattern is a recipe for ultimately falling short of goal.  It's not that individuals can't get to goal - eventually - spending weekends off plan, but it's not likely.  The reason I say that is because that mindset reflects a "diet" mindset, and it indicates an unwillingness to make short-term sacrifices for a long-term gain.  Both reaching goal and establishing the healthy habits we need to stay there requires a fundamental shift in our thinking, and if weekends are repeatedly a food fest, it's a pretty good indication that we're not really embracing new, healthy habits.

Moving from making right choices some of the time to making right choices all of the time can well be the difference between failure and success on this program.  Choose wisely :-)

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