Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Time to Pay

Good morning, everyone!

It's the eve of everyone's favorite day of the year - April 15 - tax day ;-). Since we owe money this year, guess when we're paying our taxes? Yep - the check is going in the mail today :-) When we've been entitled to a refund, we've filed our taxes as soon as we could, but when we owe, well, that's a different story!

When it comes to our health, a day of reckoning generally comes, too, because our bodies, like Uncle Sam, have a way of keeping track of what's coming in and what's going out. When I was diagnosed with diabetes in September of 2005, I realized that my years of morbid obesity, bad habits, and a genetic predisposition had finally caught up with me. I had been "investing" in this for years, and the bill finally came due.

Sometime we think we can avoid the long-term ramifications of bad habits, but most of the time they eventually catch up with us. To be sure, there are always the exceptions - people who live healthy and die prematurely of a heart attack, someone who smokes 2 packs a day and lives to be 100 - but those are exceptions, not the rule.

The good news is that our bodies were created with a wonderful ability to heal, and it's amazing to see how fast concerning health conditions can begin to reverse themselves when we begin to take care of ourselves. Diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol - conditions often resulting from being overweight - can and are being reversed as people get on this program and begin to lose weight. It's exciting!

You're here because you've made a commitment to invest in your health, so keep up the great work and don't let anything get in the way of getting healthy, because you're worth it! Take it one day, one meal, and one choice at a time - and choose wisely :-)

I am going to be at a conference in Orlando tomorrow through Monday. I won't be posting blogs while I'm gone. Have a great and on-plan week!

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