Monday, December 13, 2010

It Really Is a Wonderful Life

One of the things I enjoy doing every Christmas season is watching Christmas movies.  We probably have a dozen different Christmas movies, so my husband and I will reward ourselves at the end of a busy day by turning on our fireplace and watching one of the movies.  "It's a Wonderful Life" is my favorite Christmas movie and it still makes my cry at the end as George Bailey realizes how rich his life really is.  For those of you who are familiar with the movie, you know that George didn't realize how blessed his life was until he had the opportunity to see what life would have been like if he'd never been born.

After watching the movie a couple of nights ago, I did a little imagining of my own, only instead of imagining what life would be like if I'd never been born, I got to wondering what my life would look like today if I hadn't found Take Shape for Life/Medifast and lost 126 pounds.  I certainly couldn't have imagined3 -1/2 years ago that my life would have changed as much as it has, and I got to imagining for a few minutes what it would look like if I was still 260 pounds.

It's wasn't a happy picture.  For one, I know that if I was still 260 pounds (or more), I would now be a full-blown diabetic on medication.  I was diabetic when I started on Take Shape for Life/Medifast, but not yet on medication.  However, my numbers were on the rise and I knew that at my next doctor's visit she would insist that I go on one drug or another.  I was already on medication for cholesterol and gastric reflux, and with my blood pressure on the rise, I imagine I would also be on medication for that by now.  My knee was really painful and I often had problems walking very far, so I'm guessing that I would be even less mobile now.  Because my weight was going up, I may well have been over 300 pounds by now.  My energy would be low and I'd feel sluggish most of the time.  I remember hating how I looked and felt, and I imagine that another 3-1/2 years of morbid obesity would have wreaked further havoc on my emotions and my self-esteem.  The picture in my mind is pretty sad.

I would also still be at my job at the hospital, putting in lots of hours and most likely dealing with the challenges hospitals are facing as they try to balance their budget (i.e., small or no salary increase, or even reduction in hours or pay).  My work day priorities and my pay would still be determined by someone else and I wouldn't have the flexibility I do now to focus on the things that matter the most to me.

Had I not found this program and lost my weight, my life would also be far less rich in friendships, as I have met so many wonderful people from all over the country who are part of the Take Shape for Life health coach community.

The "what if I hadn't lost weight" imagining didn't last very long - thankfully!  It wasn't a very happy mind escape, but it WAS very sobering and humbling.  I certainly had no idea that anything positive would happen when I started on the plan.  Honestly, I thought the only thing I would really lose was close to $300 :-).  I had no idea that I would not only lose the weight I needed to lose (and continue to keep it off), but that I'd also enjoy so many wonderful new things.

As I think about all that has happened, the word that comes to mind is "joy."  My life has so much more joy these days, and I'm so thankful to God for all He has done in my life, including leading me to this program when He did. 

As I imagined my life still obese, I realized that the difference today began with a choice to go on plan.  Each day that I reinforced that original choice by staying on plan moved me one day closer to the life and health that I have today.  It really is a wonderful life!

The choices you make today will either move you towards the life you want to live or will keep you in a place you don't want to be.  Choose wisely :-)

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