Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Being Excited . . . Even When We're Not

Happy Wednesday!  Are you excited about another day to be on plan? 

I'm asking if you're excited because I have learned that our attitude can make all the difference in how we approach our day and the things we have to do.  I remember watching a program several years ago (I can't remember what it was called) where someone spoke in a monotone about all the things they had to do that day.  They then repeated the exact same sequence of events, but each one was punctuated with excitement and an "I get to do this!" attitude - what a difference!  The sequence of events didn't change, but the attitude did.  The second time the person went through the list, the excitement built with each new thing on the list. 

We can either view our day as one filled with obligations or one filled with opportunity.  That is certainly true of facing another day of being on Take Shape for Life's 5&1 program!  Trust me, I did NOT wake up joyful every morning that I got to face 5 Medifast meals for the day, but what a difference it made when I DID get up with a positive attitude about the journey I was on. 

Today is an opportunity to get one step closer to your goal, and that's exciting!  Today is one step further away from where you started, and that's VERY exciting!  Today is another day of honing the skills and the habits that will KEEP you at your goal weight.   Today is one day closer to being able to eat (in moderation, of course) some of the things that you enjoy that aren't on the weight loss portion of this plan - how exciting is that?

Today can be exciting and filled with opportunity IF you focus on where you're heading.  Your goal is straight ahead - can you see it?  Can you visualize yourself at your goal, feeling and looking fabulous?  It doesn't matter if you just started on the plan and have a long way to go, or if you've been on plan for a while and are closing in on your goal - you WILL get there, one day and one meal at a time.  There is no "hope so" about it.  If you are committed to making the choices each day that you need to make, you'll get to your goal.  So be encouraged and excited today, because you're making progress, whether it feels like it or not.

Our attitude, along with whether or not we're on plan today, is our choice.  Choose wisely :-)

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