Tuesday, October 2, 2012

How to Finish Strong

 How is your weight loss journey progressing?  Are you making steady progress?  Perhaps you're struggling to get on plan and stay on plan, questioning whether this is the right program for you and wondering if the success that others have had will somehow elude you.  If this last sentence describes where you are right now, take heart.

It doesn't matter where you are or how the program has gone thus far.  What does matter is how you finish.  One quote I like says "The measure of a person is not how well they start, but how well they finish."  You haven't finished yet, unless you've decided to quit.

Struggling isn't any fun and in the midst of the struggle we can sometimes wonder if the end result will be worth the effort.  We are geared to want and expect fast results, immediate gratification, so when the positive feedback we're looking for isn't immediately forthcoming, it's tempting to throw in the towel. 

I'm encouraging you today to keep going.  You don't have to believe that this program works, but if you continue to work the program, you WILL reach your goal.  If you embrace this as a lifestyle change, you WILL be able to maintain a healthy weight.  Even if you're struggling, even if you are getting back on plan for the umpteenth time, you aren't finished yet!

When we're struggling, it's easy to believe that the outcome will ultimately be failure, but that's not true.  I've seen too many people who've had several "practice" attempts on this program before things finally clicked for them and they made it to goal.

Success on this program is directly tied to the daily choices we make.  Even if we don't feel like making those choices, and even if we don't believe those choices will ultimately make any difference, if we make them anyway, we will finish well.  You may have gotten off to a rocky start, or you may have started strong and now find yourself struggling, but where you are or have been doesn't determine the finish.  The choices you make today will.  Choose wisely :-)

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