Wednesday, June 12, 2013

It's Worth It!

Do you ever have one of those days when you seriously wonder if doing this program is worth it?  You don't know what goal will look like and it can be tempting to think that all of the sacrifice now won't really be worth it in the end.  

I once read a story about a family who was vacationing in the Canadian Rockies on a very blustery day in June.  They went to a tourist site that was billed as a "must see", but the cold wind made them reluctant to go on until they saw a group of people returning from the scenic spot.  The family asked the tourists if the view was worth it.  The tourists' enthusiastic "definitely!" gave the family the incentive they needed to go on.  When they finally reached the spot, they wrote that its beauty rendered them virtually speechless, and they agreed it was well worth the effort to get there.

I will never tell you this is easy (although I will tell you this was the easiest program I ever did).  Redefining my relationship with food and learning - really learning - that food is not my source of comfort and entertainment was challenging.  Saying "no" to a lot of food that I enjoyed so I could say "yes" to a healthier me was incredibly difficult sometimes and it was only with God's help and strength that I was able to walk away over and over again.

No matter how hard the struggle may be to reach goal, it's worth it.  The difference physically, mentally, emotionally and even spiritually for me is night and day.  This is why I continue to blog, because I want you to know that it's worth it!  YOU are worth it!!

When staying on plan is the last thing you want to do, just take it one day, one meal, and one choice at a time.  That's how you'll reach your goal.  It's worth the effort and you won't regret your decision to choose wisely :-).

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