Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Ready . . . Fire . . . Aim

For as long as I've been on this program (I started on Take Shape for Life's 5&1 program in June of 2007 and have been in the Maintenance phase since May of 2008), there has been ongoing debate about staying 100% on plan 100% of the time and going off plan.  While I did stay on plan the entire time it took me to lose 126 pounds, I know my experience isn't the norm.  I still encourage people to stay on plan because I know it's the fastest and surest way to get to goal, but that doesn't mean for a second that those who step off plan again and again can't or won't reach their goal.  The truth is that they will - IF they keep refocusing.

I read a fascinating article a while ago which stated: 

 "The Apollo moon rockets were off course 97% of the time. Yet they still reached their chosen destinations – and returned to earth – with pin-point precision and timing. 


Because they knew their starting points, their destinations, and they knew their exact positions as they traveled. So they could correct their courses as they went. It's the same with commercial jets . . . they're off course 95% of the time they're in the air. Yet how often do they ever land on the wrong runway, let along the wrong city or country?"

Apollo rockets off course 97% of the time?  Commercial jets off course 95% of the time?  Wow!  The critical factor in both examples is that both the Apollo rockets and commercial jets continued to correct their course all the way until they reached their destination.

Of course, I'm certainly not recommending that anyone on this program be off course 95% or 97% of the time!   These examples are shared today to encourage those of you who struggle and who, for whatever reason, find yourselves off course time and time again.  The only thing that matters is that you continue to correct your course and keep moving forward towards your goal.  No matter how many times you may feel like you've failed, you haven't failed until you quit.

Correcting your course includes many things, including identifying what caused you to go off plan and strategizing how to avoid the same pitfall in the future.  Having done that, focus again - and again - on your goal and continue where you left off.  Keep aiming at your goal and you WILL get there!  And as you correct your course and continue to move forward, don't forget to choose wisely :-)

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