Thursday, June 3, 2010

Not Having Fun?

I went back to the orthopedist yesterday and there was good news and there was (from my perspective!) bad news. First, the good news! They did another set of x-rays on my knee and the break is healing nicely. I'm really thankful for that and it's made all of the sitting and behaving I've been doing worth it. The bad news is that I have at least four more weeks of sitting and behaving myself, including four more weeks of no driving.

I know it wasn't realistic, but a part of me was hoping that he would have told me today that I didn't need to wear my leg immobilizer (basically a removable cast with Velcro) and let me return to driving. When it sunk in that there are at least four more weeks of the same thing looming, I was pretty disappointed.

Right now, what I am doing is not any fun at all, and it's not going to change for at least a month. Right now I absolutely don't feel like doing this any more - I'm tired of it. However, this is a time when I have to stay focused on what I REALLY want, and what I want is to have my knee completely healed as quickly as possible so that I can get back to the rest of my life. I know that if I disregard orders now, I will only slow down my recovery or perhaps even cause more damage. Right now it doesn't matter if I feel like doing this or not, this is what I have to do to get me from where I am to where I want to be.

You know where I'm going with this, don't you :-). Sometimes the scale disappoints us - sometimes we expect to be a lot further than we are. Sometimes we're sick to death of staying on plan and are eager to get back to normal. The problem is, if we aren't willing to stay with the program and follow the protocols (which are proven to work, by the way), we risk slowing down our progress or, worse yet, suffering a set back.

This is a time to take a deep breath and focus - hard - on what we want and where we're going. The process isn't always fun, and sometimes it's downright tedious. But the end result, if we're willing to do what we need to do in the meantime, will be worth it. Really it will :-)

The choice is ours today . . . choose wisely :-)

P.S. I'm involved with a weekend conference that will keep me busy and pretty much off-line from now until Sunday. As a result, I won't post another blog until Monday. Have a great weekend and keep making those wise choices!

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