Monday, June 21, 2010

A Question for You

Happy first day of summer!  It's felt like summer in my neighborhood for several weeks, but now it's official!

I heard a question last week that got me thinking:  "Why do we see value in the things that bring us harm?"  That question has implications far beyond food, of course, but it's a great question to ask ourselves while we're on this weight loss journey.

When we're thinking clearly, it's easy to recognize the poor choices and bad habits and we understand that they haven't gotten us where we want to be.  We get on the scale and groan, we pull on a pair of slacks and they're too tight, or the doctor tells us that our cholesterol, blood pressure, or blood sugar is too high.  Something triggers the moment when we vow to change our ways and lose weight.  We are serious - this time is going to be different.

But for some of us, there eventually comes a time when there is a disconnect between what we know we should do and what we find ourselves doing, a disconnect between what we say we want and the actions we take that are actually leading us in the opposite direction.  On some level, we are finding value in the very things that brought us to an unhappy place to begin with. 

Today I'm not here to figure out why we do this - and we all do.  I'm just asking the question, why do we continue to assign value to these things?  I think it's a question worth asking, and as we answer that question for ourselves, we'll be one step closer to making the permanent, healthy changes we want to make.

Have a great day, and don't forget to choose wisely :-)

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