Wednesday, February 9, 2011

When, Not If, Temptation Comes

As much as I wish it wasn't so, the reality is that we will be tempted over and over again.  It would be wonderful if we could escape into a temptation-free, stress-free bubble while we're getting to our goal (actually, it sounds like a pretty nice place to live permanently!!), but there is no such bubble.  Even if we started our weight loss program overflowing with resolve and firmly focused on our goal, temptations will come.  It's not a matter of if, but when.

So now what?

First of all, we have to be realistic and acknowledge that there WILL be temptations.  If we expect that somehow we won't be tempted, sooner or later we will be greatly disappointed.  Temptations of all kinds, big and small, are pretty much a constant.

We also have to be responsible and realize that, despite the temptation, we are ultimately in charge of the choices we make in the face of temptation.  Nobody makes us cave, and no circumstance is beyond our ability to handle.  We always have a choice and we need to take responsibility for our choices and not blame our spouse, our children, or our boss.

We also need to be ready for the temptations that will come our way.  We don't always see them coming, but if we're realistic and anticipate that there will be temptations along the way, we will have the opportunity to plan our strategy in advance.  Sometimes that strategy will require us to face down the temptation, and sometimes our strategy will be to get as far away from the temptation as we can, as fast as we can.  You already know where you're vulnerable, so don't wait until the heat of the battle to figure out your game plan.  Make a list of your known areas of weakness - when and why are you most tempted to go off plan - and write down how you're going to handle the temptation the next time.  Thinking through the situation and visualizing a successful outcome can really make the difference!

Finally, get refocused.  Focus on what you want, not on what you don't want.  The more you try to fight the temptation, the harder it is to fight.  Don't focus on fighting it, focus on what you want and where you want to be in three months, six months, a year from now.  Shifting your focus changes the dynamics immediately.  When I was on 5&1 and the inevitable food temptation showed up, I would tell myself (sometimes out loud!) that "this isn't going to get me where I want to go."  I constantly had to refocus my attention off of the temptation and back to what I wanted . . . then I got away from the food temptation immediately!

Temptations will come - maybe even today.  When they come, you will have a choice to make . . . choose wisely :-)

Today's blog was inspired by last Sunday's sermon, entitled "How to Win Over Temptation," based on James 1:12-18.  The pastor had one last point following "get refocused" - be reborn (James 1:18).  By allowing God to have control over our lives, we can then draw on His strength when we face those inevitable temptations.  While I did all of the other four steps outlined in today's blog in dealing with the temptations I faced (and still face!), I could not have done those things in my own strength.  As I looked to my Heavenly Father and asked Him daily for the strength I needed, and as I was willing to do my part, He provided all that I need.

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