Thursday, April 21, 2011

Looking back and Celebrating Today

One of the things we did last week on our trip was visit the Grand Canyon.  I've been there twice before, once while I was in college and then four years ago with my daughter.  My husband had never been to the Grand Canyon before, so it was a joy to share that experience with him.

It was also a bit surreal being back at the Grand Canyon again because it was just over four years ago when I was there that I realized I HAD to do something about my weight.  My daughter and I had gone to Arizona for a few days in early March of 2007 to visit my nephew and escape the Michigan winter, but the fun was somewhat muted by my morbid obesity.  Flying was uncomfortable (and I was barely able to fasten my seatbelt - I really needed an extender but was too embarrassed to ask for one), my size 24W jeans were skin-tight, making it difficult to even lift my leg high enough to get into our rental SUV, and the walking we did wore me out.  My daughter and I took the train from Williams, AZ to the Grand Canyon and when we arrived we had to climb several sets of steps to get to the rim of the canyon.  I had to stop several times to catch my breath as I climbed those steps, making me acutely aware of how out of shape I was.  My husband and I were at an age where we hoped to start traveling, but that day four years ago at the Grand Canyon I realized that there would be things I wouldn't be able to do, there would be places I wouldn't be able to see, unless I could figure out how to stop eating and get my weight under control.  My daughter asked to take my picture that day and I really hesitated because I hated having my picture taken, but I reasoned that I really did need to have a picture of myself at the Grand Canyon, so I agreed to pose.  At the time, I remember thinking that since I was at the Grand Canyon, there would be something bigger than me in the picture.

I came home from that trip four years ago resolved to lose weight.  I tried on my own for three months, but made no progress from the time we got home until mid-June.  It was then that I decided to try Take Shape for Life/Medifast for a month . . . and everything changed!

The difference between being at the Grand Canyon four years ago and this time was striking.  I felt great, had lots of energy, and I didn't have to stop to climb those same set of stairs to get to the rim!  We went to the same spot where my "before" picture was taken to take an "after" picture.  There was no hesitation as I posed for the camera this time, only joy at how far God has brought me!  

I've attached my Grand Canyon before/after picture.  One of the things I love is that this isn't an "after" picture taken immediately after reaching goal - this is a picture of me almost three years after reaching goal - still healthy, having fun, and doing the traveling we had once dreamed about.

It all began with a choice to try this program, and that choice was followed by daily choices to stay on plan.  It wasn't always easy as life continued to happen while I was on plan, temptations were everywhere and I certainly didn't acquire a new self-discipline skill set.  What I did do was focus on what I wanted instead of what I was temporarily giving up, then I acknowledged my inability to do this on my own and looked to God every day (many times a day!) for the strength I needed to make the choices I needed to make.  One day, one choice, one prayer at a time - what a difference!

You may feel overwhelmed by the prospect of getting to a healthy weight and it may be many months before you get there.  Just focus on what you want and take it one day and one choice at a time . . . and choose wisely :-)

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