Saturday, May 21, 2011

Feeding Our Bodies, Feeding Our Souls

Today's blog is a reprint of something I first wrote almost two years ago.  Since I know there are a lot of individuals reading my blog now who weren't around then, I thought I'd share this again.

"The soul, like the body, lives by what it feeds on." ~ Josiah Gilbert Holland

I read that quote yesterday as part of my morning devotions and it rattled around in my thoughts all day. I think it's a great quote and worth writing about :-)

First of all, this quote is certainly true when it comes to our bodies and how we're feeding them. Most, if not all, of us started on this program because we hadn't been properly feeding our bodies in years (for me, that would be a couple of decades . . . ) and our bodies were showing the effects of our neglect. Obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol, gastric reflux were all physical evidences of two decades of my own neglect. There were other consequences of my neglect that were hidden to others - things like low self-esteem, embarrassment, frustration at not being able to find clothes to fit, worry about not fitting into spaces, etc.

As I began to properly nourish my body using the Take Shape for Life/Medifast program, it was amazing how quickly my body began to respond. I not only saw the weight begin to come off, but my blood sugar returned to normal in the first week, and my gastric reflux disappeared almost immediately. Within a short time, my cholesterol also returned to normal without medication. Over and over again, people are amazed at how quickly things turn around with their lab work, because this program is about getting people healthy, not just thin. It's as if our bodies are just waiting for us to make better choices :-).

Our souls also live on what we feed them, so it's worth asking ourselves what we're feeding our souls. Are we feeding our souls negativity? When we've had nothing but years of failure, it's easy to tell ourselves that we can't lose weight and believe that, in the end, this program is bound to fail, too. If are looking in the mirror every morning and telling ourselves that we're weak and not able to do this, I can promise you that eventually this will become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Whether it's the food we're putting into our bodies or the things we're putting into our heads and our hearts, it's definitely garbage in/garbage out.

This program is about so much more than just losing weight, it's about getting healthy - physically, emotionally, and for many of us, spiritually. Moving from obesity to a healthy weight, moving from being defeated to experiencing victory, and learning how to relate to food in a positive, healthy way are all part of getting healthy. As you are learning to put healthy things into your body, I would also encourage you to put healthy things into your mind and your heart. Find ways to nourish your soul!


What we put into our bodies - and our hearts, minds and souls - makes a difference not only today, but tomorrow.  The choices are ours . . . choose wisely :-)

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