Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all of the moms out there!  I am incredibly blessed to be able to spend today with my mom, who will be 82 in a couple of weeks, and with my children and grandchildren - three generations of mothers!

I am not so sure my mom would be here today if she hadn't gone on Take Shape for Life/Medifast three years ago, at age 79, to not only lose weight but better manage her diabetes.  Prior to starting on this program, her diabetes was getting more and more out of control despite being on insulin.  Her blood sugar highs were getting higher and had done damage to her eyes and kidneys and she had a couple of low blood sugar episodes that necessitated calling 911 as she was seizing and unresponsive.  We felt like we were watching her deteriorate before our eyes and the decline seemed inevitable.

Mom and Dad watched me lose weight and reverse my own diabetes on this program and finally decided it was worth a try.  I don't think my mom really expected to see much difference because she'd been a diabetic for over two decades and on insulin for about 15 years, but at my dad's urging she agreed to start.  My dad went on the program, too, mostly to support my mom.  To her great surprise, my mom's blood sugar began to come down and even out within a week or so, and in less than a month she had eliminated her daytime doses of insulin, taking only her overnight, long-acting insulin.  She had been taking 4-7 units of insulin after every meal for years, so it was amazing to see how quickly her blood sugar responded when she began eating six small meals a day.  In the process of supporting my mom, my dad lost 30 pounds and was able to reduce his own blood pressure medication - another surprise!

Had I not made the decision to get healthy myself, and had I not made the daily choices I needed to make to reach my goal, my mom would never have gone on this program.  Knowing how bad she was three years ago, I don't even want to think about where her diabetes would be now without Take Shape for Life/Medifast, or if she would even still be here.

So on this Mother's Day, I am incredibly blessed to be able to give my mom a hug and a kiss today and wish her a wonderful Mother's Day.  I am also incredibly thankful to the Lord for leading me to Take Shape for Life/Medifast because it not only allowed me to get healthy, but it's given me another Mother's Day with my mom.

When I was making those hard choices while on 5&1, I had no idea that my choices would end up making a difference in the lives of so many others, including my mom.  The choices you make today will not only impact your own life, but they will also impact the lives of those you love.  Choose wisely :-)

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