Saturday, October 29, 2011

Changing or Choosing?

Here's a quote to ponder a while:  "Whatever you are not changing . . . you are choosing."  What do you think?

I had to think about that for a bit, but it makes sense.  There are certainly some things in our lives that we CAN'T change, but we have the ability to change a lot more than we often think we can . . . IF we choose.  When there are things in our lives that we wish were different and we have the ability to change them, inaction really boils down to our decision to choose the status quo.

That certainly is true when it comes to our weight - the issue that brought all of us here :-).  It doesn't matter what we think our genetics are, it doesn't matter if we've never been at a healthy weight in our lives, it doesn't matter how old we are or anything else.  We can change our weight and begin or continue on a path to a healthy weight if we choose.  If we aren't making progress and losing weight, if we aren't taking control of our weight, then it's because we're choosing to stay at an unhealthy weight.

Nobody can do this program for us.  Conversely, nobody can make us go off plan.  The only exception to the last sentence would be if someone tied us to a chair, pried our mouth open and force-fed us.  I doubt that's happened to anybody lately! 

I'm not saying that staying on plan is easy, because it's not.  I also fully understand the struggle with emotional eating as I was a long-time emotional eater.  However, it's still our choice - every time.  The reality is that if we decide to change, really decide, we will make the choices we need to make that change happen.  We may not do this perfectly, but over time our choices will more and more align with our decision to implement change.

So what are you choosing today?  Are you choosing to change, or are you making the choice to stay where you are?  The secondary choices you make today will support what it is that you really want.  Choose wisely :-)

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