Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Why I Didn't Cheat

One question I get asked a lot is, "How did you manage to stay on plan without cheating for almost a year?" 

The answer really isn't easy, and sometimes I'm almost hesitant to admit that I didn't cheat, especially when I can just tell that the person asking me is hoping to hear that yes, I got off plan numerous times, then got back on and got to my goal. 

There are many, many people on program who did exactly that - found themselves off plan from time to time, but eventually they reached their goal.  They have nothing but my deep admiration and respect, and I applaud them for their gritty tenacity and never-give-up spirit.

But that wasn't me. 

First of all, I was scared to death to get off plan.  I'd finally found something that WORKED - I was losing weight and I felt GOOD, unheard of on every other diet I'd ever gone on.  I was faithfully logging my meals, involved with the on-line community here, and just plain had my head in the game.  Because I had failed miserably on every other weight loss plan I'd ever gone on (and I'd been on just about every plan, sane and crazy, that was out there), it seemed incredible to find something that actually worked.  I was afraid that if I got off plan and shifted my focus, I might never be able to get it going again.  I was researching weight loss surgery options on line (including lap band in Mexico because it was cheaper . . . ) when I found information about Take Shape for Life/Medifast.  I was pretty desperate and felt that if this plan didn't work, I didn't know what I'd do.

So fear kept me motivated :-).  I was also sick to death of dieting, having done so for the majority of two solid decades.  I was tired of always either being on a diet or feeling guilty because I wasn't on a diet and needed to be, or researching the NEXT sure thing diet.  This time, I was ready to just get it done.  I took the mindset that this wasn't going to be for the rest of my life, that this was a season in my life I'd set aside to get healthy.  I told myself that all the things I wasn't eating while on 5&1 would eventually come back and I'd be able to enjoy them at a healthy weight.

I was tired of feeling guilty about what I ate.  Almost every time I ate something "bad", I'd feel guilty, knowing that I "shouldn't" be eating it.  That guilt was magnified many times over when I'd eat the forbidden food while on a diet.  When I started on 5&1, I decided that I wanted to really enjoy what I was eating, and I wanted to be able to eat it without feeling guilty about it.  The wonderful thing is that now I CAN eat pretty much what I want, in moderation, and I don't feel guilty anymore.  That is an amazing feeling of freedom!  Also, because I no longer feel guilty, I don't have guilt that ends up fueling a binge.

So that's WHY I stayed on plan.  Now let me share with you how I did it.

I planned, planned, planned - every meal every day.  I faithfully logged my meals and my water intake every day so I kept myself accountable.  I would generally sit down in the evening and log everything I planned for the next day, right down to the lean & green (if I knew ahead of time what we were going to have).  I'd get my shake ready, mix up my soup, and put my oatmeal packet and a bar in my purse, ready for work the next morning.  Because I logged everything ahead of time, I knew every day how many calories and carbs I had allotted myself, which made it easier to turn down tempting treats.  And I mean I logged everything - weighed my meat, measured my veggies, and made sure that if it went in my mouth, it was logged on my meal plan for the day.  If I had a day when I was going to be on the go all day, I made oatmeal muffins and cream soup bread and made sure that I had packets of shakes or cappuccino with me (I lost my weight before the crunch bars, pretzels, cheese puffs and bites which make on-the-go days SO much easier now!).  I had extra meals in my purse, at my desk, and in my car, and I kept an extra shaker bottle in my desk drawer.  I left no room for failure, and I wanted to make sure that I never was in a position where I needed to eat and didn't have anything with me.  That said, I also came to realize that I would NOT die if I didn't eat immediately, that I really COULD wait to eat, if need be :-).

Lastly, I finally admitted that I was incapable of losing weight on my own.  I asked God every day to give me the strength I needed for that day, and I found Him to be faithful to my very earnest prayer.  Because I couldn't run to food for comfort, I realized all over again that He really IS my true Source of comfort! 

So that's pretty much why I stayed on plan and how I did it.  It certainly wasn't easy, and there were many days I didn't wake up joyful that I was facing another day of 5&1 :-).  But I did, and I don't have any regrets.  I reached my goal over 3 years ago and am still maintaining a healthy weight.  It was definitely worth it!

So that's my story - how about you?  It doesn't matter if you're just starting the plan, or if you're restarting for the umpteenth time.  Today can be the first in a series of on-plan days that will ultimately lead you to your goal.  And you'll reach your goal one day, one meal, and one choice at a time . . . choose wisely :-)

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