Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A Safe Investment

In this time of economic uncertainty, most of us want to make sure that we get the best return possible on our investments.  Whether it's our 401K or IRA or some other type of investment we've made to ensure our financial future, we want to see growth over time.  We review our quarterly reports and look for an increase from the previous quarter and we watch for trends that indicate future growth.

Would you be willing to invest $100 if you could be guaranteed a million dollar return?  (Who wouldn't, right?)

That's what you're doing right now.  The investment you're making in your health is a small investment when it's compared to your future return - a longer, healthier life.  The potential return on your health is worth far more than a million dollars, too!

Yes, there is the financial investment you're making to purchase the products needed to do this program, and there is also the mental and emotional investment.  There is hard work involved in ridding ourselves of old habits that didn't serve us well and embracing new, healthier habits.  It's not always easy and it's not always fun, but incorporating these healthy habits will pay long-term, priceless dividends.

When we have our health - when we feel as good as we can possibly feel - we're able to enjoy our lives to the fullest.  It doesn't matter how much money we have or how much stuff we've collected, if we're struggling with health issues and living in a state of unhealth or even disease, the money and the stuff don't matter.  We may be wise with our financial investments, but if we aren't being wise in our health investments, we won't be able to fully enjoy the benefits of our 401Ks and IRAs.  If we aren't wise in the choices we make for our health now, those financial investments may end up being drained for medication and other medical expenses.  I don't know about you, but that's not how I want to spend my money!

The return on financial investments is a bit uncertain right now, but the investment in our health has a solid track record on its return.  This is a long-term investment, and while many of us see almost immediate results and have been able to reduce or eliminate medications, the real returns will be evident in the years ahead.

The choices we make today determine the future return we will receive.  Choose wisely :-)

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