Friday, July 6, 2012

My Newest "Why"

One of the things that Dr. Andersen (Take Shape for Life co-founder and Medifast's medical director) talks about a lot is finding our "why."  It's never enough to know what we DON'T want, because that won't sustain us over time.  Our sustainable motivation comes from knowing what we want and why we want it.

I have a whole new "why" as of yesterday :-).  Our newest grandson, Tyler Jacob, was born yesterday morning (photo is attached)!  He is our sixth grandchild and we have two more (twin girls) coming in a few weeks (our oldest daughter's SECOND set of twins!!).  These little girls will be two more "whys" for me! 

I am turning 60 in just over a week and as I held Tyler yesterday, I realized that by the time he is 20, I will be 80.  That takes my breath away!  More than ever, the choices I make today will determine the quality of life I have at 80.  Do I want to be as active and vibrant at 80 as possible?  My answer is an obvious "yes!"  I know I can only be that vibrant, active 80-year old IF, and it is a big IF, I continue to make healthy choices.

That's not as easy as it sounds, nor is it as easy as I wish it was.  Even more than four years after reaching my goal, consistently doing what I need to do is a challenge.  The operative word here is "consistently."  As I have shared in the past, my "fat girl tastebuds" are still alive and kicking and I find myself often challenged to stay the course with what I know is best.  An occasional "not stellar choice" meal is certainly OK, but sometimes a few of those get strung a bit too close together and the scale and my clothes remind me of that.

Dr. Andersen says, both in person and in his book, "Dr. A's Habits of Health," that eating a cheeseburger today doesn't make any difference today, but over time it makes all the difference between being on an unhealthy path and being optimally healthy.

Looking into the face of my newest grandbaby, I know I want to see him grow up and I would like to be his fun, vibrant grandmother out on the dance floor at his wedding.  Another reason for me to choose wisely :-)

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