Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Raining Worms

A friend of mine once commented that "God cares for the birds, but He doesn't rain worms."  What does that mean?  To me, it says that God has given birds all of the tools they need to provide for themselves.  He designed their bodies with the beaks and claws they need to search for and gather food; He equipped them with the instincts required to go after the food they need.  But birds have to search out and dig for their own worms - they have to feed themselves.

I love that, and I think it is SO applicable to our journey to get healthy.  I believe that if God wanted to, He could instantly make us thin and healthy.  He could "rain worms" for us -- but He won't.  What He HAS done is provide everything we need to become healthy, but we have to do the work - He won't do it for us.

We have to take the responsibility - every day - of recommitting to the task before us.  It's always our choice!  If we choose to not do the work, we can't expect that somehow the weight will just drop off on its own.  No matter how much we may wish it at times, the reality is that it will never rain worms.  But when we're willing to do our part, God provides the grace and strength we need.  Drawing on that strength and grace, making the decisions we need to make . . . those choices are ours.  Choose wisely :-). 

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