Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Eleven years ago today, in the wake of the terrorists attacks on our country, so many ordinary Americans became heroes.  They didn't wake up that morning intending to become a hero, but these individuals risked their lives, and some gave their lives, to save others.

A speaker I heard a while back talked about some of the heroes in our country.  Whether it was one of our founding fathers, the brave pioneers who explored space, the brave men and women who serve our country, or ordinary citizens who responded on 9/11, the speaker pointed out that all were and are ordinary people just like us.  The difference with heroes is that the difficulties never deter them - they define them.  Most of them certainly didn't set out to be a hero, but when faced with challenges they didn't flinch but chose instead to keep moving forward.

We can learn a lot from heroes.  So many of us (and I certainly include myself in the "us") somehow expect things to be easy, and when things aren't easy we're tempted to bolt.  As I think about some of the true heroes in our country, it's almost embarrassing me to even compare the challenges of staying on plan to the kind of challenges these individuals faced.  Staying the course when it's hard is only possible when we have our eyes on the greater good.  If we're only focused on the here and now and being comfortable in the moment, we'll never do it because it's always easier in the short-term to focus on immediate gratification.

But there is a greater good that comes from staying on plan:  getting healthy by getting to a healthy weight.  I can't begin to describe how much this changes your life, but those who've lost weight and reached their goal can testify to the difference it's made.  Staying on plan, even when it's hard, and eventually reaching your goal just might make you a hero to your family members and friends, as they are watching and some of them may end up getting healthy as a result.  In my own family, I not only lost 126 pounds, but my husband ended up losing 50 pounds, my son 60, my mom 40 (and she got off her insulin), my dad lost 30, my son-in-law lost 65, one of my best friends lost 70, and the list goes on and on from there . . . and as these individuals lost weight, other people in their circle of influence were inspired to lose weight and get healthy, too. 

The ripple effect is amazing, and it starts with you and the hard choices you make today.  Choose wisely :-)

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