Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Decisions . . . Decisions . . .

"The craving you had for an hour or the body you've wanted for a lifetime - you get to choose."

It really does come down to what we choose, and we will make that choices, and the choices that support that choice, based on what it is that we really want.

Many of us want BOTH the craving we had for an hour AND the body (and the health!) we've wanted for a lifetime.  We don't want to choose - we want them both, at the same time.  But that's not possible.  There may be a few people blessed with a killer metabolism that allows them to eat anything they want and still be thin, but the fact that you're reading this blog is probably an indication that you don't have one of those killer metabolisms - and neither do I.  And the reality is that if those rare individuals with killer metabolisms are eating junk all day, they may be thin but still not healthy and may well be on a path to disease.

Every day we have to make choices that will either bring us to a healthy weight and a healthier body or make choices that will lead us down a very different path.  That other path is the one that many of us have been on for years, perhaps decades.  It is a well-worn path that's been made smooth by the number of times we've been down it.  It's an easy path to walk because it's so familiar . . . the problem is that it's taken us to a place we didn't want to be and leads to an even less desirable place if we continue.

Being on a journey to a healthier body isn't easy.  The path is a new one for many, and for others it's a path we haven't been on in years.  It's a bumpy path with pitfalls and temptations threatening us at every turn.  Sometimes it feels too hard and we can question whether it's going to be worth it, especially when the next temptation is staring us in the face. 

It's at those times that it's important to take a step back, take a deep breath and ask - for the hundredth time if necessary - what is it that you REALLY want?  You will make the choices that support what you want. 

You get to choose . . . choose wisely :-)

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