Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Focusing Ahead

I once read a story about a man who got on a tractor for the first time.  He described the thrill of starting up the engine, dropping the plow, and heading out across the field.  As he drove the tractor, he marveled at all of the gauges and gadgets on the tractor and enjoyed the feel of the steering wheel.  Everything was perfect until he looked back to admire his results.  Instead of seeing the straight lines he expected, he described what he saw as resembling a slithering snake, "with more bends and curves than the Indianapolis Motor Speedway."  In his excitement to plow a field for the very first time, he forgot the cardinal rule of plowing:  plow with your eye on the fence post ahead.  On the return trip he did just that and his line was straight.  He realized that the first row was messed up because he didn't have a focus point.

Do you have a focus point?  Are you keeping your eyes on where you're going, or are you finding yourself being distracted by the details?  When we're focused on where we're heading, that not only keeps us moving forward, but it keeps us moving in a straight line to our goal.  If we're looking around at all of the things we "can't have" right now, if we're looking at all of the potential obstacles that might come our way, our path to goal may look a lot like the man's first plow line - filled with twists and turns.

By focusing on our goal, we are more likely to get there in a straight line.  We are continually reminded of where we're going and what we want, and that reminder will keep all of the distractions and obstacles on the sidelines.  We may be aware of them because we see them with our peripheral vision, but they are a blur as we go past them because our eyes are fixed on our goal.

Keeping our focus is critically important as we enter into the holiday season, starting with tomorrow's Thanksgiving dinner.  Focusing on what we REALLY want, and focusing on those across the table instead of what's on (or not on . . . ) our plate will make all the difference!

Where are you choosing to focus today?  Your choice will determine your path to goal . . . choose wisely and have a wonderful - and healthy - Thanksgiving -:)

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