Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Another Life Being Changed!

Yesterday I had a phone call that absolutely made my day.  The call was with a friend who went on Take Shape for Life/Medifast just six months ago and it was a joy to hear what has happened to her in this short period of time.

First of all, she's lost over 80 pounds and is on the verge of getting under 200 pounds for the first time in over 30 years - she can't believe it, but it's about to happen.  Secondly, she told me that she is going to participate in her first 5K race this weekend!  She's not sure how much of the race she'll walk and how much she'll run, but the fact that she's doing something this weekend that would have been unimaginable only six months ago is amazing!  I hung up the phone after talking with her and tears filled my eyes - another life is being transformed because of this program.

When I first talked to my friend about Take Shape for Life/Medifast, she was pretty skeptical, just as I was when I started on plan.  She had had nothing in her past to even remotely suggest that she'd be successful, and her history of past failures made her hesitant to try one more time.  She'd had a friend who'd been successful and that friend knew me, so the two of us encouraged her to give it a try. 

What's wonderful about Take Shape for Life/Medifast is that you don't have to believe it will work - all you have to do is follow the program :-).  It doesn't matter what your past dieting history is, because this is an entirely different program.  My friend now knows that this is the last weight loss program she'll ever need and she is as focused as anyone I've ever seen on getting to her goal - there's no doubt in my mind that she'll reach it.  It doesn't even matter if you're at an age where conventional wisdom says you can't lose weight.  My friend is of a "certain age," and, like me, she's blown conventional wisdom out of the water - women of our "certain age" can most certainly lose weight, and lose it FAST :-).

My formerly morbidly obese, middle-aged friend is now over 80 pounds lighter, closing in on her goal, and about to participate in her first 5K.  This transformation didn't take years, it took just six short months!  I know there are a lot of things that she hasn't eaten over these past six months, and she even went on a cruise (!!!!), but she's stayed focused on what she wants and she's getting there, one day and one choice at a time.

Perhaps you don't need to lose as much as my friend, or perhaps you need to lose even more.  It doesn't matter what's happened in the past with your attempts to lose weight (even past attempts on this program!), and you don't have to believe it's going to work this time.  All you have to do is choose to follow the plan today - 5 Medifast meals, one lean & green, lots of water - and the results will come, guaranteed.  The choice is yours - choose wisely :-)

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