Monday, March 8, 2010

Why I Do What I Do

I've been writing an almost-daily blog for over a year now.   Sometimes I sit down in front of my computer and I know exactly what I want to share, while other times I don't have a clue what I'm going to write, but as I begin to type, the words come.  Still other times I think I know what I'm going to write, but as the words begin to form on the page, they go in an entirely different direction.  Somehow, however, I always hope and pray that something I write will encourage someone else to keep going and not quit.

I know how challenging it is to face the prospect of needing to lose weight.  Most of you don't have to lose as much as I had to lose - 126 pounds - but I've learned that losing weight is a challenge regardless of how much we need to lose.  I couldn't fathom committing to staying on plan for almost a year, the time it took me to lose the weight, but I COULD commit to staying on plan one day at a time (and sometimes it was a meal-by-meal commitment!).  Every day I had to refocus, so I hope something I write each day will help you to refocus for the day, too.

I also know how fabulous it is to reach goal, and I want each of you to have the same experience.  I want you to have the joy and the satisfaction of seeing your goal weight on the scale; I want you to have the fun of shopping in your goal size, of feeling really good about yourself - perhaps for the first time in your life.  I write a daily blog from the vantage point of being on this side of goal and calling out "Come on over - life is good here!"

If you've read my blogs for any length of time, you probably know by now that my faith is an integral part of my life (at least I hope you've picked that up!).   There is a Bible verse that really sums up why I do what I do every day - encouraging and supporting others on their own weight loss journey - and why I write a daily blog.  The verse is 2 Corinthians 1:4, "God comes alongside us when we go through hard times, and before you know it, He brings us alongside someone else who is going through hard times so that we can be there for that person just as God was there for us." [The Message]  Because of all that God has done in my life through this wonderful program, it is my privilege and my joy to pay it forward and hopefully help someone else.  I can only hope and pray that in time you will also pay it forward as you encourage someone else :-).

As you begin a new day and a new week, I hope you are encouraged to stay on plan one more day.  You will face a lot of choices today, and I hope and pray that you will choose wisely :-).  Have a great Monday!

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