Sunday, July 25, 2010

A Real Treasure

A few months ago a commercial for a vitamin supplement caught my attention. It wasn't the product that caught my eye, rather, it was the slogan, "Your health is your true wealth." Now I don't take any slogan at face value, especially one touting a product on TV, so I had to think about this a while. The first question I had to ask is, "is this a true statement?"

I stop short of saying that my health is my TRUE wealth, because I believe in laying up my treasure in heaven, where nothing can damage or destroy it, but my health is certainly incredibly valuable to me - it's one of the most valuable earthy things I have. Without a certain measure of good health, a lot of other things I have this side of heaven don't really mean much. At the very least, my ability to enjoy life would be greatly diminished if my health was compromised.

Think about it! Would it really matter how much money we had if we were sick? Would it be more difficult to enjoy time with family and friends if we were struggling with health issues? I know I'm having a lot more fun with my grandchildren now that I can easily get on the floor with them or chase them around in circles - things that were difficult to do when I carried around an extra 126 pounds. Taking a long walk with my husband is much easier and more enjoyable now because my knees don't hurt all the time, and neither does my back.

So many medications have side-effects, including making people feel more tired, so imagine what a difference it would make to be off of those meds because your weight loss has reversed the condition that warranted going on them in the first place. How much would that be worth?

This plan is about so much more than just losing weight and getting into a fun, small size (not that I'm diminishing this, because it's wonderful!). This is about getting healthy and staying healthy. This about reversing some health concerns and preventing others, not only increasing the length of our lives but also greatly increasing the quality of our lives.

None of this happens overnight, of course, but it DOES happen over time, one Medifast meal at a time :-). You are worth the effort, and your health, both now and in the future, may well depend on it. Your health is one of your most important treasures, so treat it as a treasure. The choice is yours . . . choose wisely :-)

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