Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Another Changed Life

Changing lives . . . that's what this program does!  I am reminded every day about how my life was transformed thanks to Take Shape for Life/Medifast, and I continue to hear stories from others who are reclaiming their own lives.  I've written a lot about my own journey, but I want to share a story with you about one of my good friends.  Everybody likes a good story, right?

My friend is in her mid-60's and has been overweight her entire life.  Nothing she'd tried had ever worked and she was resigned to living out the rest of her days as an obese woman.  Then one of her friends lost weight on Take Shape for Life/Medifast and my friend decided to give it a try.  She really didn't expect much because, like me, she'd never been successful at losing weight.  As you can probably guess, this time ended up being different.

My friend reached her weight loss goal last week, losing 133 pounds in 448 days (not that she was counting!).  The weight loss is wonderful - she looks amazing, feels fabulous and is wearing fun clothes in a size she never dreamed she'd be in.  But that's not why I'm writing about her today.

I don't know if she'll read today's blog because she's leaving on a two-week Mediterranean cruise tomorrow (a gift from a dear friend), a cruise that would have been very difficult for her had she not gotten to a healthy weight.  She will not only be able to fly with ease - no issues of a seat belt not fastening around her! - but she will be able to do some things that wouldn't have been possible before.  She marveled as she told me of her plans to visit the pyramids and said that she will be able to climb them.  She almost giggled as she shared with me the fact that she is going to ride a camel.  She will be visiting Rome and now has the energy to walk for miles up and down hilly streets. 

This program is about getting your life back so that you can do the things that you want to do.  It's about getting healthy so that you can live your life to the fullest as long as you possibly can.

The process of getting there can be daunting, and my friend faced challenges all along the way, including the recent death of her mom.  But she was focused on creating health in her life and didn't allow anything to get in the way.  When I talked with her last night, she told me what I expected to hear:  it was worth it - she has NO regrets for the choices she's made.  She has a plan that she will follow on the cruise, and because she is at a healthy weight and able to do so many fun things, this cruise won't be all about the food and the endless midnight buffets.

What will life look like for you when you're at a healthy weight?  How will you feel?  What will you be able to do?  The holidays are just around the corner, but you will sail through them IF you're focused on what is waiting for you the other side of goal.

Thanks for letting me share my friend's story with you today.  A new chapter in her life is just beginning to unfold, so reaching her goal wasn't the end of her story by any means!  She reached her goal the same way that I reached mine, and the same way that you will reach yours - one day, one meal, and one choice at a time.  Choose wisely :-)

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