Monday, November 1, 2010

Meeting Goals

Welcome to November!  I am in disbelief as I type "November" - how did we get here so fast?  Are you starting November where you'd hoped to be, or is your weight loss lagging behind your projections?  For many of you, you knew where you hoped you'd be by the holidays and based on what the scale is saying, the reality is hitting that you may not be exactly where you wanted to be.  If that just described you, the question is, what now?

For those of you who have been reading my blogs for a while, you know that I'm not a proponent of attaching dates to weight loss goals.  We simply can't control how fast we release the weight and the scale can be maddening at times; all we can really control is whether or not we choose to stay on program.  That said, I DO understanding wanting to hit milestones. 

When I was on 5&1, I set up a spreadsheet that projected when I'd reach my goal if I averaged 2 pound losses each week.  Each week as I logged my weight loss for the week, the spreadsheet would update.  I had a lot of 1 pound weeks and I had three separate weeks when I didn't lose a thing, even though I stayed on plan.  I saw my projected goal date repeatedly change.  I'll be honest and let you know that my heart sank a bit when I saw my anticipated goal date extended.  However, I realized that I was still further ahead than if I hadn't stayed on plan.

Each day that you stay on plan, you are one day closer to your goal.  Regardless of how fast the scale is moving, changes ARE happening and you ARE moving in the right direction.  You WILL reach your goal - I promise :-).

So if November doesn't find you where you'd hoped you'd be, that's OK.  You're getting there, one day, one meal and one choice at a time.  Choose wisely :-)

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