Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I'm not somebody who is naturally inclined to follow the rules.  I don't know if it's that I'm a bit of a free spirit or if I just have a real rebellious streak (or perhaps a bit of both), but I tend to want to color outside the lines and look for tinges of gray rather than black and white. 

Because of that, I found a recent story rather interesting. This story was part of a devotional that I read, and the author wrote that "Long ago my wife decided that driving within the speed limit gives her a wonderful sense of freedom.  She tells me, 'I don't ever need a radar detector.  And I never have to slow down when I see a state patrol car or worry about paying a fine for speeding.'" 

I tend to drive 5-8 miles over the speed limit and I have often felt a catch in my throat when I see a cruiser on the side of the road.  I take my foot off the gas and nervously glance in the rear view mirror to make sure the patrol car hasn't taken off after me.  (NOTE: I've only had two speeding tickets in my life and it's been close to 20 years since my last ticket.)  I'm not the car speeding down the highway going 20 miles over the speed limit, but I'm also not usually in the right-hand lane with my cruise control set at the speed limit, either.  And that does, on occasion, create moments of tension for me.

Reading the story about the woman who found freedom by following the rules - as written - got me thinking :-).  So often we think the rules are restrictive and limit our freedom when they really have the ability to GIVE us freedom.  Seems ironic, doesn't it?

That is certainly true when it comes to following the rules on Take Shape for Life/Medifast 5&1.  Staying on such a strict regime with no wiggle room can feel restrictive sometimes and there is a tendency for some of us to want to find a gray area.  We may find it frustrating that there IS no gray area with this program - no options for coloring outside the lines.  The truth is that there is great freedom by following the protocols of this program, because they are designed to make it easy.  The 5&1 program couldn't be more simple - no counting calories, carbs, fat grams or points.  All we have to do is stay inside the lines and it works!  There is great freedom in not having to figure things out every day, and that's one of the things that made this program work for me.  I loved not having to think about it! 

Following the program as written also brings freedom because we don't have to feel guilty about what we're eating.  A friend of mine recently told me that she loves not feeling guilty about food any more.  On past weight loss programs, I'd cheat and feel guilty even while I was eating the off-plan food (kind of like speeding and seeing a patrol car!).  There was never much true pleasure in eating the off-plan food because I felt so guilty doing it, and as soon as the food was gone I almost always felt regret, disgust, etc.  That's not freedom!

Lastly, following this program as written brings the long-term freedom of living life at a healthy weight - not only feeling and looking great, but also having the freedom to enjoy food in moderation and in proper portions.

How are you going to define freedom today?  The choice is yours . . . choose wisely :-)

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