Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Bad News, then the Good News

Happy Thursday! Did you happen to catch an article on yesterday's news? The article said that the latest figures are out and the obesity rate INCREASED in 23 states last year and it decreased in NONE. As a nation, we are getting fatter and fatter, and there seems to be no end in sight.

One paragraph really caught my attention. It said, "Health economists once made the harsh financial calculation that the obese would save money by dying sooner, notes Jeff Levi, executive director of the Trust, a nonprofit public health group. But more recent research instead suggests they live nearly as long but are much sicker for longer, requiring such costly interventions as knee replacements and diabetes care and dialysis. Studies show Medicare spends anywhere from $1,400 to $6,000 more annually on health care for an obese senior than for the non-obese."

So the good news is that obesity may not kill us after all. The bad news (and this is REALLY bad news!) is that if we continue to live as obese individuals, we will be much sicker for longer and require costly intervention.

The really good news is that those of us on the Take Shape for Life plan are bucking this trend! By doing this one Medifast meal and one day at a time, we can not only live a long life, but we can live a HEALTHY life! I don't know about you, but I want to live as long as I can and as healthy as I can. I would also MUCH rather spend my money on traveling and doing fun things instead of medication and copays for costly medical interventions.

Sure, being on Take Shape for Life/Medifast was an investment, and there were times when paying for my next shipment was a real stretch. However, I have NO regrets! I spent around $3,000 to lose 126 pounds, and I promise you that that was a fabulous investment in the rest of my healthy life. It works out to about $23.81 a pound, so I figure that I'm filet mignon :-). When I think of the money I'm saving every month because of the prescription medication I'm no longer on, I know that I will completely recoup my investment in prescription savings alone.

And how do you put a price on improved self esteem, on increased confidence, let alone ending up with a whole new career and calling in life as a Take Shape for Life health coach? The list of tangible and intangible benefits goes on and on!

Your list of tangible and intangible benefits may end up looking different than mine, but reaching your goal will result in your own wonderful list. The national trend may be in the wrong direction, but you can experience the joy and freedom of bucking the trend. The question is, do you believe you can do it? I believe you can do it! And you already know HOW to do it: one meal and one day at a time :-).

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