Friday, July 31, 2009

Leaving on Vacation :-)

I am busy packing, as we're leaving early tomorrow morning for a week's vacation at a little lake cottage that we rent about two hours north of our home. We've rented a cottage on this lake every summer since 1989, so our kids did a lot of their growing up here - lots of wonderful memories! Our daughters and their families will be with us all day on Sunday, along with my parents (our son has to work and won't be able to come), so the memories continue to grow.

When we'd go to the cottage years ago, our packing would include lots of snack foods, because vacation was pretty much of a food free-for-all. We tried to pack mostly healthy snacks, so it wasn't so much the quality of what we ate as it was the quantity. Vacation at the cottage meant eating, and from shortly after lunch until bedtime, I was usually munching on something. Needless to say, it wasn't because I was hungry - it was totally mindless eating.

So much has changed! We're bringing healthy food, including a lot of Medifast meals (the new puffs and pretzels are definitely coming with us!). We've learned how to be mindful of true hunger signals, and we've learned to listen to our bodies and know how to stop when we're satisfied. We'll take long walks and, weather permitting, enjoy swimming in the lake. Vacation will be about lots of things, but it is no longer a week-long gorge-fest :-).

The cottage we rent is not close to a cell phone tower and there's no phone there (and no internet), so it's really a week to get away from it all. This is my last commitment blog until we get home in a week. I've been writing a commitment blog almost daily since January, and I'm willing to continue when we get home next week, if people are still finding it helpful in keeping them on track.

Until then, have a great day and a great, on-plan week!

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