Saturday, July 25, 2009

Doing What Matters

Good Saturday morning! I am in the midst of a fun and busy weekend with my two granddaughters, ages 6 and 4-1/2. They came last night, just before dinner, and will be at our house until tomorrow night. I also have their dog (Maltese/poodle mix), so my house is busy! Last night we walked around our small pond and looked for frogs (we found several!), rode bikes, went grocery shopping to get what we need for our traditional tea party this afternoon, stopped for a frozen dairy treat, and ended the day reading books and doing a bit of cuddling. Today we're going to look at some horses my son is caring for, then going swimming, having our tea party, and going to a birthday party. Tonight we'll watch a Disney movie and relax. I figure I'll bring them home tired tomorrow, but hopefully they'll have as much fun as I'm having!

I am so thankful that I'm healthy and able to keep up with these two precious little girls. Two years ago, a busy weekend like this would have worn me out and I would have really had to pace myself. There's something about hauling around an extra 126 pounds that tends to be rather tiring ;-), and losing the weight has allowed me to have the energy I need to do what I love. For this weekend, what I love is having fun with two little girls.

Staying on plan is the fastest way to get to your goal, and getting to your goal will give you the energy to do the things in life that you really want to do - whether it's running a marathon, climbing a mountain, or just keeping up with a couple of small granddaughters.

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