Friday, December 4, 2009

Let it Snow!

Happy Friday!  We received our first snowfall of the season last night, so it's definitely starting to look a lot like Christmas in my neighborhood.  Since losing 126 pounds, even my view of winter has changed - for the better!

For years, I wasn't able to wear fashion boots because my calves were too heavy.  I had a pair of grandma-looking ankle snow boots (I love being a grandmother but I don't want to look or dress like one!), and while they served the purpose, they sure didn't make a fashion statement.  One of my Non-Scale Victories was being able to buy some great leather boots, and I still get a thrill when I put them on and they easily zip.  I don't know if I'll ever stop taking little things (like zipping boots) for granted, but I hope not.  I wore the boots for the first time this season yesterday and zipping them up was a reminder all over again of how far I've come.

I used to be a lot more wary on ice and snow because my balance wasn't that great.  I think the major issue was I was trying to navigate slippery surfaces carrying almost 130 extra pounds.  Losing weight and becoming physically active has greatly improved my balance, and although I'm still careful when it's slippery outside, I'm not as timid as I once was.

Most surprising to me is that I am on the brink of actually taking up a winter sport.  My husband and I each have a pair of cross-country skis that used to belong to my parents (my mom used her pair exactly one time).  Neither my husband or I know the first thing about cross-county skiing, but we have a couple of friends who've offered to give us a private "skiing for dummies" lesson.  At my top weight, I wouldn't have considered doing such a thing.  For starters, I didn't have proper clothing for skiing and wouldn't have wanted to invest any money in clothing in a size I didn't want to be.  I also wouldn't have had the stamina for skiing (I had limited energy for most activity).  I think it will be a while before I'm actually excited about seeing snow on the ground, but there's a possibility that may happen!

Right now we're under a winter storm warning, so my opportunity to get out and enjoy the snow may come sooner than I think.  The really good news is that if I don't learn to love the snow, I now easily fit into an airplane seat and can head someplace warm :-).

All of these NSVs are the result of making the choices I needed to make every day - choices to stay on plan, choices to get more active, choices to drink my water.  Making these choices every day, whether I felt like it or not, has continued to reap benefits in my life, up to and including today.

The choices you make today will impact your tomorrow, perhaps in ways you can't even imagine.  Choose wisely :-)

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