Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Too Busy?

I never know where the next blog idea will come from, but I am always on the lookout for things that inspire me or get me to thinking. I clicked on a website yesterday and read their "thought for the day" and immediately knew I'd write about it. Here's the quote: "A man too busy to take care of his health is like a mechanic too busy to take care of his tools." Isn't that a great quote?

Think about it. Imagine the best auto mechanic you know (they are worth their weight in gold, by the way!). If you've spent any time around a mechanic, you know that they are very particular about their tools. They carefully choose their tools and they make sure their tools are taken care of, because if they don't have their tools in proper working order, their business will suffer or even fail. Without their tools, they can't function.

During this time of year, we all have a tendency to say that we're too busy to take care of ourselves. We may think that we don't have time to eat right, don't have time to exercise, we don't have time to get enough sleep. When we don't care of ourselves, we end up functioning at less than our best. We don't feel good - we're tired, we're sluggish, and we may be dealing with blood sugar swings because we're not eating the right things at the right time.

The good news is that we can keep ourselves at our best by staying on plan and continuing to do the things we know we need to do. This time of year, we don't have time to NOT be our best.

To stay at our best, we have to make choices every day - some easy, some not. Choose wisely :-)

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