Sunday, September 27, 2009

Even More Reasons to Do It Now

Happy Sunday morning! I'll be leaving for church shortly, so I'll make this quick :-).

Just when I thought there weren't any more health reasons for losing weight than the ones we're already familiar with (most notable, diabetes and cardiovascular disease), I read an article yesterday published by the Associated Press which reported that "the risk of cancer due to the obesity epidemic could dramatically increase in the coming years.

Noting that women are more vulnerable to fall prey to obesity-related cancer, a recently-released European study said that within the next decade, obesity will become the main cause of cancer for women in Western countries.

The study, presented at the joint meeting of the European Cancer Organization and the European Society for Medical Oncology on Thursday, put forth data from 30 European countries, which revealed that colorectal cancer, post-menopausal breast cancer, endometrial cancer accounted for 65 percent of all obesity-related cancer cases.

Meanwhile, the data, obtained from the World Health Organization and the International Agency for Research on Cancer, also showed that the overall 'obesity and cancer' cases increased notably from 70,000 in 2002 to more than 124,000 in 2008."

Yikes!!! We keep hearing that we're killing ourselves with our forks, and now there is yet another study that points to the dangers of obesity. Often when we think of obesity, we think of it in terms of morbid obesity - where I was when I started this program at 260 pounds. However, medically speaking, individuals are considered obese if their BMI is 30 or over. The bad news is that anyone carrying an extra 30 pounds most likely has a BMI of over 30. They may not look obese as we tend to define it, but medically speaking, those extra pounds are putting them at increased risk for a variety of disease, including some types of cancer.

Research continues to uncover more links between obesity and disease. We already know that being overweight is unhealthy (and not a lot of fun). Now, more than ever, this report should provide added incentive to getting to a healthy weight as quickly as possible and then STAYING there. The good news is that we have the secret weapon to accomplish that very thing - the Take Shape for Life/Medifast 5&1 plan. You've heard it before, but I'll repeat it again: there is not a faster way to lose weight safely than this plan!

So what are you waiting for? :-)

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