Sunday, September 13, 2009

Thankful for the Little Things

Happy Sunday! I'm flying home from Atlanta this morning, so my bags are packed and I've got my crunch bars and chili nacho cheese puffs ready :-).

It's funny, but even though I reached my goal almost 16 months ago, I still haven't gotten over the thrill of simple things. Every time I fly, I can't help but smile when I easily fasten my seatbelt - no worries anymore about whether or not I need an extender. I continue to marvel that I can cross my legs on a plane (or that I can even cross my legs at all!), and don't take it for granted that I can walk down the narrow aisle of a plane face first instead of sideways. I love knowing that I can put down the arm rest, and I'm thankful that I don't "spill over" onto the seat next to me (and I'm sure whoever is sitting next to me is thankful, too!).

I never want to take these things for granted, because they are all reminders to me of what my life was like when I weighed 260 pounds. The fact that I can now easily do all of the things I listed brings tears to my eyes and causes me to overflow with thanksgiving to God for leading me to Take Shape for Life/Medifast when He did. My two decades plus of living as a morbidly obese woman were often very painful, but I never want to forget where I was, because I never want to take for granted where I am.

Have a blessed, on-plan Sunday!

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