Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Running a Marathon

Yesterday morning I read a short story about the Comrades Marathon, which is held annually in South Africa. The Comrades Marathon began in 1921 and is the oldest ultramarathon, covering 56 miles (90 km). One individual has run this marathon every year since the 1980's, winning it none times between 1981 and 1990, setting a world record in 1986 (5 hours and 24 minutes and 7 seconds) that stood for 21 years. Wow!

I am NOT a runner but my younger daughter is, so even though I don't have first-hand experience in training for a marathon, I know a little bit about what goes in to preparing for one. Individuals who run marathons train for them and prepare themselves both physically and mentally. Once the race starts, they set a pace and stay focused on running their own race.

This weight loss journey is definitely a marathon, not a sprint. It's important to get that distinction firmly into our minds, because we prepare very differently for a sprint than we do a marathon. Our mind has to be focused on the long-term - this is not a short-term process! If we're solely focused on short-term success, we're geared up for a sprint and may well run out of steam before we cross the finish line. There is a certain amount of endurance required, as well as a determination to stay focused on the goal, even if it's 56 miles away and we can't see it from where we are. Those ultramarathoners can't begin to see the goal line when they start the race, but they've prepared, they're focused on reaching their goal and they won't let anything stop them. They may not be able to see it, but there is no doubt in their mind that they'll get there by just putting one foot in front of the other.

Our marathon is one day at a time, perhaps even one meal at a time. But we
WILL get there - there's no question about it - as long as we keep putting one foot in front of the other. While you're running your own personal weight loss marathon, the crowd is cheering - for YOU! - so keep running. You may feel breathless at times, and your legs may ache from the effort, but keep putting one foot in front of the other, one meal at a time. You'll get there!!

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