Monday, September 14, 2009

Prioritizing and Reprioritizing

Happy Monday everyone! I'm happy to be home today after a busy, but great, weekend in Atlanta. While I was in Atlanta, I heard many wonderful stories from others who have lost weight and gotten healthy, including one woman who lost 176 pounds on Take Shape for Life/Medifast. Lives are being changed every day - including YOUR life! :-)

This morning it's back to the routine for me, and that includes leaving for the health club for a good workout in a few minutes. I am so happy to be able to say that working out is part of my routine now. When I miss it, I really DO miss it! After being gone all weekend, there are a lot of things that I need to do to catch up, both with work and with my house (I notice that somebody sprinkled dust rather liberally on my furniture while I was gone!), so it would be easy for me to stay home and get busy here. However, I have learned that if I put off working out, it ends up not happening (funny how that works!). This morning is one of those mornings when I really have to look at my priorities and ask myself "What is it that I REALLY want?"

One of the things that I REALLY want, and one of the things that I'm committed to, is continuing to improve my fitness level and to STAY healthy. I know that it would be very easy for me to lose ground pretty quickly if I don't make taking care of myself a priority, so putting exercise near the top of my "to do" list is a necessity. I know that the work I need to do WILL get done, and I will also tackle the dust today, but first I'm heading out the door with my tennis shoes in hand.

There are lots and lots of things clamoring for your time and attention today, and if you're like me, it's really easy to allow all of those things to get in the way of taking care of yourself. If that's the case, it's time to reprioritize! Taking care of yourself doesn't make you selfish - it will ultimately allow you to be MORE efficient and get MORE done because you'll have the energy, stamina and health to do it.

Taking care of yourself also means making the time to plan out your meals for the day to ensure that you'll stay on plan. If you think through your day and plan ahead what you'll eat today, you'll stay on plan. Staying on plan today means you'll wake up tomorrow morning one day closer to your goal!

Who's committed to taking care of yourself today?

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